nano RTOS / nordic

Supported Nordic Semiconductor devices


☂︎ BLE UART driver for nRF52840 based on SoftDevice

Supported Boards

☂︎ nRF52840dk nRF52840
☂︎ nRF9160dk nRF52840, nRF9160
☂︎ Thingy91 nRF52840, nRF9160

Supported Peripherals

☂︎ BLE UART available pre-boot and usable by the logging system
☂︎ UART, SPI, I2C and I2S with DMA
☂︎ FLASH driver with wear leveling and API to save and load configuration
☂︎ RTC or TIMER as backup system clock

Thingy:91 I2C Sensors

☂︎ ADP5360 battery management PMIC
☂︎ BH1749 ambient light sensor
☂︎ BME680 temperature, pressure, humidity

Thingy:91 SPI Sensors

☂︎ ADXL362 accelerometer
☂︎ ADXL372 accelerometer, 200g


☂︎ The BLE UART driver presents the RADIO as a generic UART interface.
☂︎ All UARTs are available pre-boot and can be encapsulated as
standard input output streams for use with read, write and printf.
☂︎ BLE device name can be saved to FLASH and is loaded during hardware init.
☂︎ The UART API is hybrid blocking, meaning that data is queued to send and the call
returns immediately so long as buffer space is available, but will block when the
buffer is full. Receive calls return as soon as any data is available.
☂︎ All communication is handled in the background, allowing one task to read, process,
and write without dropping any data.


☂︎ 3-way BLE-UART bridge for nRF52840 on nRF52840dk
☂︎ 3-way BLE-UART bridge for nRF52840 on nRF9160dk
☂︎ 2-way BLE-UART bridge for nRF52840 on Thingy:91
☂︎ Sensors for nRF9160 on Thingy:91
☂︎ Tasks and printf
☂︎ Download nanoRTOS examples

© 2022-2024 Georgi Valkov